Signature creation
Solutions for your industry

Qualified and advanced signatures for server, workstation, web and mobile devices.




Solutions by Industry

Waste management

Waste management

The electronic waste verification procedure (eANV) has been the mandatory procedure for waste verification for (hazardous) waste that has to be verified since April 1, 2010 for waste producers, disposal companies, transporters and the responsible authorities in accordance with the Ordinance on the verification of waste disposal.

The next step took place on February 1, 2011 – since then it has been mandatory for everyone involved in the process to use an electronic signature instead of a written signature.

Banks in Germany can also provide their customers who are required to keep accounts electronic account statements with a qualified electronic signature provide. This eliminates the paper statement that was previously required by the tax authorities.

This option has been available to all savings banks via Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG since the beginning of 2015. In the computer centers of Finanz Informatik, account statements are processed on a large scale Sign Live! CC signature server signed.

PSD2 aims to revolutionize the digital payments market by enabling services from third-party FinTech companies. Account Information Service Providers (AISPs) can obtain bank account information by communicating electronically with banks through open APIs. Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISP) ​​can go a step further and even provide user-initiated transactions with their platform.

As an important application, the new European Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) regulates the use of the electronic seal. For example, the account-keeping office must provide the documents with an electronic seal in the communication of contracts, account management changes, among other things. The account statements provided with an electronic seal thus meet the tax law requirement for their immutability.

You can find more information on the use of certificates in the Regulatory Technical Standards on strong customer authentication and secure communication under PSD2.

banks and

banks and


Health services

Health services

General practitioner, specialist and clinic: A patient is often not only treated in one place. This results in X-rays, laboratory reports, findings and other documents that the patient either has to transport himself from one place of treatment to another, or the patient and doctor treating them often have to wait a few days for their slower delivery by post.

In order to carry out electronic communication between family doctors, specialists, the clinic and the patient quickly and securely in the future, the draft of the eHealth Act provides for the promotion of electronic doctor's letters (eArztbrief) and discharge letters for service providers.

intarsys solutions support:

Many aerospace documents such as the release certificate, aircraft maintenance license and many more are required to be in writing or require a high level of probative value.

Trust services according to the EU regulation eIDAS provide the basis for electronically generating, signing, distributing and archiving these documents. The high probative value given by this regulation and the fulfillment of national formal requirements make these processes safer and faster than the previous paper-based ones.

The various business processes in the aerospace industry require different signatures and forms of processing. If, for example, you need several individual signatures for a design drawing, you want to sign the Certificate of Recognition for several participants in a batch. With EASA Form 1, on the other hand, each document is processed individually. Often, however, the number is so large that one does not want to sign each certificate with a PIN entry. This process can be implemented very conveniently for the user with a comfort signature.



administration, judiciary

administration, judiciary

In the generic scanning process for documents of a state authority and in the judiciary, TR RESISCAN considers document preparation, scanning, post-processing and finally integrity assurance. Solutions from intarsys support the implementation of TR RESISCAN during post-processing, for example PDF / A Live! and with ensuring integrity Sign Live! CC. The intarsys products offer the unique opportunity to integrate the transfer note into the scan product according to international standards and provide it with a signature.

By using electronic signatures during the scanning process with spot checks, legally compliant electronic archiving is made possible without additional paper filing.

Electronic legal transactions regulate the legally binding electronic submission of process declarations and other documents in judicial and public prosecution proceedings.

Electronic documents should (e.g. Section 130 a Code of Civil Procedure) or must (e.g. Section 52 a Tax Court RegulationsSection 55 a Administrative Court Rules) must be provided with a qualified electronic signature as a replacement for the manual signature. This makes the authenticity and integrity of the transmitted electronic document trustworthy and secure for the recipient.

Sign Live! CC offers the user-friendly application for signing and checking documents for the respective user group such as judges, public prosecutors, lawyers, bailiffs and judicial employees.

Auditors can now use their electronic seal in DATEV auditing and then sign their audit reports electronically in a qualified manner. Digital legal transactions for auditors implement the EU regulation eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) and the corresponding adjustment of the professional statutes for auditors and sworn auditors.

They now have a completely digital process available, from the creation and qualified signature to the transmission and archiving of audit reports. The qualified signature is created with Sign Live! CC created.

CPA Tax Consultant

CPA Tax Consultant

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