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Easy registration in the EU database EPREL with Sign Live! CC Sign Live! 

Sign Live! CC from intarsys and sealing cards from D-Trust now enable electronic sealing for EPREL-Database

(Karlsruhe, February 24.02.2022, XNUMX) Companies involved in the EU-Database EPREL Sign Live! CC of intarsys GmbH (www.intarsys.de) and the qualified electronic Seal card of D-Trust GmbH (www.d-trust.net), a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. This makes registration even easier and faster.

EPRELdatabase serves consumer protection

Since January 1, 2019, manufacturers and importers of appliances that require an energy label must display them on the EU-Market in the European Product Database for Energy Labeling (European Registry for Energy Labeling – EPRELdatabase) register.

By scanning the QRcodes, consumers can then access the database and view the specific product data sheet and energy label for each registered product. This allows them to check whether the products they sell meet the eco-design and energy labeling requirements.

Verification with Sign Live! CC and D Trust

They are currently on EPREL Participating companies are asked to electronically confirm their registration data and the existence of their company. From the end of February 2022, the qualified electronic seal will ensure more security in the process. All company data should be confirmed with a qualified electronic seal during registration.

The companies concerned must check the organizational data they have entered as part of the "Supplier Verification Process", transfer them as a verification file by PDF download, provided with their electronic seal and the sealed file in the EPREL- Upload database.

For this sealing of PDFdocument, companies can now sign Live! CC use from intarsys. In addition to Sign Live! CC will also be the Seal card the D-Trust requires. Sign Live! CC supports both the D-Trust Card for individual processing and the D-Trust Multicard for bulk processing.

More security for consumers and suppliers

The verification process with an electronic seal that has now been introduced increases the security of the EPREL-Registration. Because it ensures that only approved suppliers sell their products on the EPRELplatform can register. This prevents suppliers from impersonating others and maliciously registering a competitor's data.

To sign individual applications, you can use Sign Live! CC quick and easy under https://www.intarsys.de/SLCC-acquire and the Seal card the D-Trust under https://www.d-trust.net/de/bestellen relate.

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