As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...
Signature creation
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FAQ remote signature BNotK
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The new BNotK Card will be in Sign Live! C.C.C supported from version 7.1.11.
In the future, the Federal Chamber of Notaries will issue its signature certificates via the remote signature service and no longer via a personal one Signature card provide.
Authentication for signature creation at the remote signature service is carried out using personal means Smart Card.
This requires a completely new approach to signature creation. This signature is not created using the signature device “signIT smartcard CC” but via “signIT BNotK”. When signing, please select the appropriate signature device in the signature assistant. If your signature certificate is not available, please contact the Federal Chamber of Notaries’ support.
If you use a Reiner SCT card reader with an RFID function, be sure to switch off the RFID function so that there are no problems reading the authentication certificate that is on your card.
If you Sign Live! C.C.C from a specialist application, please inquire with the manufacturer whether the new signature device has been connected.
Published to
3 January 2023
When assigning individual PINs, it is permissible to assign a PIN with more than 8 characters.
When changing the PIN, the new PIN must have the same number of characters as the “old” PIN or more characters. The BNotK card does not allow a change from a 9-digit PIN to an 8-digit PIN, for example.
In Sign Live! C.C.C up to Version, a maximum of 8 characters can be entered during the signature process with a BNotK card.
With update from Sign Live! C.C.C on the version is a PIN entry from up to 16 characters is possible.
Check in Sign Live! C.C.C via menu item Help> About which version you are using and, if necessary, make an update.
Published to
March 23, 2023
After entering the PIN, the following message is displayed
Error message:
error 401 calling service '', Unauthorized
Possible Cause:
- Signature card blocked:
This error message appears when accessing the Signature card is blocked by another application, for example by GV software or online banking.
Solution: Please close the third-party application completely (system tray) and start the signing process again. - Can not reach server:
If the server of the Federal Chamber of Notaries is temporarily unavailable, the above message also appears. In this case, wait and start the signature process again later.
Error message:
No keys available
- In this case, please ask the support of the Federal Chamber of Notaries whether your signature certificate has been created and is available.
Published to
1. February 2023