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New signature cards are created with Sign Live! CC 7.1.6 supported

New signature cards are created with Sign Live! CC 7.1.6 supported

D-TRUST introduces new generation of signature and seal cards

D-TRUST expands the product portfolio and introduces a new generation of signature and seal cards on September 14, 2020.

The new Seal cards (Seal D-TRUST 4.4) and signature cards (D-TRUST Card 4.1) from D-TRUST not only have a new design, but also a new operating system. The CardOS operating system V5.4 was developed by Atos Information Technology GmbH. With the signature application, D-TRUST bring in years of experience as a trusted service provider. This Signature and seal cards are the first products on the market equipped with the new operating system and as part of an eIDAS trust service from TÜViT have been certified. The cards are available as multi and single signature or seal cards.

New with the multi-cards: The signatures are made with the so-called signature process ECDSA created, a procedure from Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), being the key to the curve NIST P-256 belong. This means that mass signatures and automated signature or sealing processes are created significantly faster.

With the introduction of the D-TRUST Card 4.1 and the seal D-TRUST Card 4.4, the previous standard products will be successively replaced. D-TRUST allows all existing customers a transition period until mid-2021 to switch important systems to the new cards.

Sign Live! CC Version 7.1.6

With this version the following new signature cards can be used:

  •  Signature cards D-TRUST Card 4.1
  •  Seal cards D-TRUST Card 4.4
  •  Signature cards TeleSec Signature Card ECC NIST

Special note for Siegelerver customers:

In our test with the new multi-seal card from D-Trust and Sign Live! CC 7.1.6 we were able to achieve a signature performance of more than 20.000 signatures per hour .

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