As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...
Usable trust services and trust service providers in intarsys products
Which trust service would you like to use?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
What quality should the signature have?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
Which service do you want to use?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
- Signature card D-Trust Card 4.1 – Single signature card
- Signature card D-Trust Card 4.1 M100 – batch signature for up to 100 documents
- Signature card D-Trust Card 4.1 Multi – Mass Signature
- Signature card D-Trust Card 5.1 – Single signature card
- Signature card D-Trust Card 5.1 M100 – batch signature for up to 100 documents
- Signature card D-Trust Card 5.1 Multi – Mass Signature
- Electronic healthcare professional card (eHBA)
- TeleSec Signature Card 2.0 – Light – Signature card – Single signature card
- TeleSec Signature Card 2.0 – Standard – Signature card – Single signature card
- TeleSec Signature Card 2.0 – multi-signature card – mass signature
- Electronic healthcare professional card (eHBA)
- DGN businessCard – batch signature for up to 254 documents
- DGN sprintCard – batch signature for up to 254 documents
- Electronic healthcare professional card (eHBA)
- Electronic healthcare professional card (eHBA)
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS
- Qualified signature services ID Austria
- Certification body of the Federal Chamber of Notaries
- sign-me remote signature service
- Swisscom All-in Signing Service (eIDAS and ZertES)
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
The solution from the certification body of the Federal Chamber of Notaries can also be used with the following intarsys products:
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS
Which service do you want to use?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
In general, with Sign Live! Use all advanced certificates based on X.509. Find some public PKIs that are also in our trust list.
- Bayern PKI
- Personal ID and Enterprise ID personal certificates
- Electronic certificates from the procilon PKI
- Business.ID from Telekom Security
- Public key infrastructure of the administration
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS
- sign-me remote signature service
- Swisscom All-in Signing Service Advanced (eIDAS and ZertES)
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
What quality should the seal have?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
Which service do you want to use?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
- Seal card D-Trust Card 4.4 Standard – single seal card
- Seal card D-Trust Card 4.4 Multi – Bulk Seal
- Seal card D-Trust Card 5.4 Standard – single seal card
- Seal card D-Trust Card 5.4 Multi – Bulk Seal
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
- seal-me remote sealing service
- Swisscom All-in Signing Service Seal (eIDAS and ZertES)
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
Which service do you want to use?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
- Qualified Seal ID
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS
- Swisscom All-in Signing Service Seal (eIDAS and ZertES)
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! cloud suite gears
Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears provides an on-premises platform for applying electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.
What quality should the seal have?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit elit, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, dapibus leo pulvinar.
- D-Trust timestamp
- DGN timestamp
- timestamping service
Furthermore, all qualified timestamp services that can be connected via URL and HTML authentication and that support timestamps in accordance with RFC 3161 are supported.
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS
All advanced timestamp services that can be connected via URL and HTML authentication and that support timestamps according to RFC 3161 are supported.
Matching intarsys products
Sign Live! CC signature server
Mass signature with seal and signature cards, soft certificates and certificates on a hardware security module.
Server service for Windows and Linux
Sign Live! C.C.C
Signature software for the workplace for creating and verifying advanced and qualified electronic signatures, seals and time stamps.
Workplace software for Windows and MacOS