Welcome to intarsys

Scanfabrik KG

Since 1992, Scanfabrik KG has been supporting corporate projects in a variety of IT business areas. Together with our customers from all over the world, we implement projects in the areas of IT infrastructure, document management, ECM systems,


HR4YOU is one of the leading providers of software for human resources management. The range of products and services extends to development, sales and support

dataglobal Bochum GmbH

Die dataglobal Bochum GmbH (ehem. windream GmbH) entwickelt und vertreibt das ECM-System windream. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt zurzeit 100 Mitarbeiter und verfügt über ein weltweites Partnernetz von

d.velop AG

The d.ecs sign software uses middleware (broker) from intarsys, which makes it possible for the first time to address different signature application components (SAK) in a standardized way and to encapsulate their functions. Through this

Ceyoniq Technology GmbH

Ceyoniq Technology GmbH has been a manufacturer of cross-industry, intelligent software solutions in the areas of DMS, ECM & EIM based on the nscale information platform for more than 30 years. Using this modular, scalable

SEAL Systems AG

SEAL Systems is the market leader for output management. PLOSSYS®netdome and gXnetplot are installed more than 1100 times worldwide as output management solutions for Office, CAD, PLM, DMS and ERP. In addition, SEAL Systems has tools for professional generation


intarsys AG is a provider with the DATEV interface Sign Live! CC signature batch can be integrated into the DATEV programs DATEV Balance Sheet Report, DATEV Audit and DATEV Consolidation.

As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...