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As a managed service provider in the IT market for statutory health insurance, BITMARCK drives digitization in the industry and for its customers with innovative products, solutions and services. The basis for this is the GKV software standard BITMARCK_21c|ng, which is used by the affiliated health insurance companies. Customers of the group of companies are the company and guild health insurance companies as well as DAK-Gesundheit and other substitute health insurance companies - more than 30.000 employees and around 25 million insured persons in the GKV benefit from the IT services of BITMARCK, more than 80 percent of the German statutory health insurance companies are customers of the group of companies . With around 1.750 employees, BITMARCK achieves an annual turnover of 350 million euros.

As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...