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D-Trust GmbH | A Bundesdruckerei company

D-Trust GmbH, based in Berlin, is a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. D-TRUST is considered one of the pioneers in the field of secure digital identities. The company has been listed by the Federal Network Agency as a qualified trust service provider in accordance with the European eIDAS regulation since 2016. It issues qualified digital certificates for electronic signatures, seals and qualified remote signatures, and also offers other PKI products and services such as the AusweisIDent service.

D-TRUST provides the trust services:

  • Creation of certificates for qualified signatures (remote signature and on smart card)
  • Creation of certificates for qualified seals (smart card)
  • Qualified timestamps
  • Qualified website certificates

Qualified electronic signature: ECJ ruling of February 29.02.2024, 25 A current ECJ ruling specifies the interpretation of Article XNUMX of the Regulation (EU)...