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Signature creation

Sign Live! cloud suite bridge

Sign Live! cloud suite bridge

Web-based signature creation solution

Sign as you wish!

with Sign Live! cloud suite bridge

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

It works that easy:

Example text

Application examples​

Sign Live! cloud suite bridge

A web-based solution for creating signatures

Learn more about Sign Live! cloud suite bridge

FAQs about the Sign Live! cloud suite bridge

This error occurs e.g. For example, if you have deactivated the "demo" profile.
In this case, the following entry is required in gears.properties:

spring.liquibase.enabled = false

The message can be switched off for a specific protocol using a RegistryKey:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\csbridge]"WarnOnOpen"=dword:00000000


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\csbridge]"WarnOnOpen"=dword:00000000

For more information, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37702082/internet-explorer-or-edge-how-to-display-the-warning-that-appear-if-you-open-c?rq=1

Qualified electronic signature: ECJ ruling of February 29.02.2024, 25 A current ECJ ruling specifies the interpretation of Article XNUMX of the Regulation (EU)...