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Signature creation

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Web-based signature creation solution


Sign as you wish!

with Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

It works that easy:

Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps, which can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears a On-premises platform on the use of electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.


Specialist applications can use either advanced or qualified signatures, seals and time stamps via a uniform interface. It is irrelevant whether the required certificates are available locally at the user's workplace, centrally in the customer's data center or centrally from a trust service provider.

Application examples​

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

A web-based solution for creating signatures

Learn more about Sign Live! cloud suite gears

FAQs for Sign Live! cloud suite gears

This error occurs e.g. For example, if you have deactivated the "demo" profile.
In this case, the following entry is required in gears.properties:

spring.liquibase.enabled = false

The message can be switched off for a specific protocol using a RegistryKey:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\csbridge]"WarnOnOpen"=dword:00000000


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\csbridge]"WarnOnOpen"=dword:00000000

For more information, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37702082/internet-explorer-or-edge-how-to-display-the-warning-that-appear-if-you-open-c?rq=1

You can do this in Increase or cancel \ conf \ server.xml via the maxPostSize parameter (-1):

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               connectionTimeout = "20000"
               maxPostSize = "- 1"
               redirectPort = "8443" />


intarsys products are not affected by the security problem!

You can find the following intarsys products in the supported versions continue to operate without changes:

  • PDF / A Live!
  • PDF / A Live! ZUGFeRD Toolkit
  • Sign Live! C.C.C
  • Sign Live! CC DATEV edition
  • Sign Live! CC SPARKASSEN edition
  • Sign Live! cloud suite bridge
  • Sign Live! cloud suite gears
  • Sign Live! cloud suite SDK

The Java library that is causing the problem is in these products not .

This also applies to the Archisoft product from FHI-SIT in versions and, which is sold by intarsys.

Product-specific explanations

  • In Sign Live! cloud suite gears Third-party products used up to version 8.7 are based on the critical Log4j version 2.14, but in the context of gears the dangerous library log4j-core- *. jar neither delivered nor used. There is therefore no potential risk.
  • With Sign Live! C.C.C delivered Exampleimplementations (SDK / JMS) use Log4j version 1.x. These are only activated by calling the command line on the system and are also required a special Log4j configuration. They are therefore not considered to be a potential hazard.

Further safety information on the required basic components

tom cat 9 does not use Log4j in its basic configuration without standard and other web apps.

General safety information on the required basic components

Use the JVM in the required version (Java 11, SLcs gears: Java 8) at the most current patch level possible.
The Sign Live! CC / PDF / A Live! integrated JVM fulfills this (Java 11).
For Sign Live! cloud suite gears should be at least Azul JDK 8u312 + .

Further background information

intarsys x A-Trust: The German provider of signature solutions, intarsys, and Austria's leading trust service provider, A-Trust, have entered into a strategic partnership...