As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...
Signature creation

Product extensions
Product extensions

Substitute scanning for BSI TR-RESISCAN
The technical guideline BSI TR-03138 (TR-RESICAN) of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) aims to create a technical and organizational framework, taking into account economic efficiency, in order to reduce legal uncertainties when scanning paper documents.
Sign Live! CC option TR-RESISCAN implements the specifications of this guideline with regard to integrity assurance and also offers the possibility of visual inspection and embedding of the transfer note in PDF/A documents.
Sign Live! CC option TR-RESISCAN supports all required kryptographic mechanisms such as the qualified electronic signature or the qualified electronic seal according to the OrdinanceRegulation (EU) No. 910/2014 and the standardized signature formats
CADES, Pads and XADES.
The use of a central seal certificate is also supported via the use of Sign Live! cloud suite gears supported.
Integrity assurance
Sign Live! CC Option TR-RESISCAN supports all cryptographic mechanisms for integrity protection:
- Advanced signature
- Qualified signature
- Qualified electronic seal
- time stamp
Transfer note
Special solution for PDF/ A:
- Complete the transfer note and add it to the PDF- Embed the scan product.
- If the scan is in PDF/A2 delivered is the resulting document PDF/A3-compliant.
- BSI - Practical example for the implementation of the transfer note
Configure Sign Live! CC according to your protection needs analysis TR-RESISCAN:
- Type and scope of the visual inspection (sample inspection)
- Stack and convenience signature at the workplace, mass signature on the server
- Timestamp generation en casa or by service provider
- Flexible embedding of the signature process in your scanning environment (File polling, SOAP, ActiveX, command line)
Sign Live! CC Option TR-RESISCAN offers an administrator view for configuring the processing steps as well as an operator view restricted to the required functions. This enables the scan operator to process packages of documents, Visual checks for quality assurance carry out, sign and provide further process steps.
The productive use of Sign Live! CC Option TR-RESISCAN was impressively demonstrated, for example, with a large German scanning service provider in a project in which several hundred thousand paper documents were scanned and qualified with signature.
General conditions BSI TR-RESISCAN
There are legal requirements for public administration, the judiciary or the health care system that explicitly stipulate a technical solution for precisely this procedure (Section 371b ZPO, § 7 EGovG and many others). By using the qualified electronic signature during the scanning process with sample inspection, legally compliant electronic archiving is made possible without additional paper filing. Sign Live! CC Option TR-RESISCAN corresponds to the specifications with BSI TR-RESISCAN for this processing step.
Our Partners
Are you looking for a software solution that covers the entire TR-RESISCAN process?
Then you can contact our partners who have integrated our integration security solutions into their software.