Savings Bank Edition
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Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition

Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition

Sparkasse customers can use this software free of charge. Please contact your savings bank for details.

FAQs about the Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition

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Will in the Sign Live! CC SPARKASSEN edition If the validation report is generated with “advanced options”, the report can be attached to the original document. This results in the signatures being marked with a red X. The note “The document has been changed since it was signed and is no longer valid” appears next to the signatures.

According to the current PDF specification, if the document is changed (a page is attached), the signature must be “broken”. This behavior is correct according to the PDF specification.

Do not attach the validation report to the original document, but save it as a separate file. The report is given the name by default <dateiname>.valreport.pdf.

When opening a bank statement in the Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition it will be validated automatically. This may take a few seconds. Once this process is complete, you will see in the left part of the screen in the “sidebar” that the signature is valid.

If the message “Identity is unknown” appears in the validation report, you probably have an old version of the Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition in action. Please take one update to the current one Sign Live! CC SPARKASSEN edition before. You can obtain access to the current version from your Sparkasse.

The Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition was programmed exclusively for Windows.
The customers who use MacOS X are welcome to download the software for Mac at download. Even without a license, Sign Live! CC signatures are checked.

There are the following differences to the Sparkassen edition:

  • During installation you will be asked for a product key. This query can be skipped.
  • The test reports as PDF can only with watermark and reference to a demo version be generated.

For the interactive verification of signatures, this solution can be used analogously to Sign Live! CC Sparkasse Edition should be used.

The Sign Live! CC Savings Bank Edition was commissioned by the DSGV (German Savings Banks and Giro Association) and made available to the business customers of the savings banks free of charge. It is intended for checking the signatures on account statements.

The license expires on June 30.06th. one year out. This requires an annual update. This update can easily be carried out over the existing installation.

You will receive the link to download the current version from your Sparkasse.

Needed to validate signatures Sign Live! C.C.C always current Root certificates that are at least available for the eIDAS-PKI Trust lists (Trusted List-TL).

Sign Live! C.C.C ships with a current set of root certificates at the time of publication. From time to time, trust centers use new root certificates. If we receive information about this from the trust centers, we will forward it to you via email. To do this, register for our newsletter.

In any case, you must ensure that Sign Live! C.C.C updated its root certificates. You can do this manually or automated carry out:

– For the workplace: Manual
This method is completely sufficient for normal installation at the workplace.

  • Via menu item Tools> Certificates> Update Trust Lists trigger the update of the trust lists manually.

– For server installation: Automated

Especially in Server installations it makes sense to have the update triggered time-controlled. To do this, adapt the preconfigured service container:

  • Via menu item Tools> Services> Service Container Management  Configure the schedule of the service container “Trusted List Update Scheduler” and initiate the update of the trust lists automatically:

If the update is not possible or aborts with an error message, please check:

  • The internet connection (proxy, firewall, ...).
  • Whether the virus scanner deletes trusted lists downloaded from the profile directory. The profile directory is where the logs are stored. You can determine this using the menu option Window > Log File.

If the update is still not possible, please send a description of the error and the current log file an