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ALL CARDS: Export certificates from signature card

Supplied with Sign Live! C.C.C There are a lot of certificates included. These are presented in groups. For the sake of clarity, it makes sense to have one create your own groupin which you can file your own certificates.
To get a certificate e.g. B. from a signature card to third parties, save the certificate in this new group and export it.

How to export a certificate from your signature card using Sign Live! C.C.C:

  • Starten Sie Sign Live! C.C.C and there EXTRAS > Certificates > Certificate management.
    Editing icons are displayed in the top left.
  • Click on that first icon to create a new group to create.
    (If the icon is not active, click on a white area in the Filter window.)
  • Give the new group one Namur (in the window on the left), e.g. “My Certificates” and confirm with “Close”.
  • Select menu item again EXTRAS > Certificates > Certificate management.
    Now select the new group “My Certificates”.
    (Ensure the card reader is connected to your PC and the card is inserted.)
  • Click on the icon “Add entry”.
    Select the action “Import certificate from a smart card” and “Next”.
    The connection to the card is established and all certificates on the card are displayed.
  • Select the certificate you want and “Next”.
    (If the recipient wants to insert the certificate into Adobe Reader, for example, in order to check your signature there in the future, the “qualified signature” certificate should be selected.)
  • In the next window you have the opportunity to do that Name certificate or accept the default identifier.
  • In the next window, please mark the certificate as “trustworthy”.
  • After “Finish” the selected certificate is added to the group.
  • Now you can use the symbol for “Export entry” save the certificate in any directory.

You can use the exported certificate e.g. B. make it available to a third person via email. The recipient must import the certificate into their software.

How to get a certificate in Sign Live! C.C.C How to import certificates is described in the FAQ “Import certificates”.

All the necessary functions are available to you via the context menu (right mouse button).

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