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TR-ESOR 1.3 – proNEXT Archive Manager from procilon GROUP is the first solution to receive the new certificate

As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager The procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version 1.3. This means that the proNEXT Archive Manager has been proven to meet all of the BSI's new, increased requirements for the interoperability and performance of legally compliant long-term storage solutions. 

The TR-ESOR certification of a solution guarantees that electronic documents and data stored in it remain legally valid and verifiable even over long periods of time - longer than 10 years. The use of such solutions is particularly recommended for storing digitally signed documents by public administration and companies in certain sectors, such as healthcare or aviation.

The new features of the current update, TR-ESOR 1.3, include the introduction of new testing criteria and open source testing tools, the updating of the ArchiSafe, Krypto and ArchiSig modules, the updating and specification of the supported data formats and interfaces, and the provision of open testing tools under open source licenses.

Dr. Armin Lunkeit, CTO of procilon, is more than satisfied with the result: “We are of course very pleased that we were the first market provider to successfully make the change. For us as specialists with many years of experience in the field of cryptography and preservation services, adapting the Archive Manager to the new TR-ESOR requirements was a matter of course. Ensuring that our customers can use our Archive Manager to achieve legally compliant preservation of their digitally signed documents has always been and remains our top priority.”

The proNEXT Archive Manager contains all components required for audit-proof storage of digital documents, including those with qualified signatures, as well as for maintaining the validity of signatures and electronic seals in accordance with eIDAS. It offers all cryptographic extensions required to ensure the evidential value of electronic documents in accordance with Section 371a of the Code of Civil Procedure.

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As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...