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General information on signing with class I card readers

Sign Live! By default, CC only support card readers with secure PIN entry. As a result, when using a class 1 card reader (without keyboard and display) the error message "Card reader with secure PIN entry required" appears when creating a signature.

In order to be able to carry out a signature with a class 1 card reader, settings that deviate from the standard setting must be made.
To do this, proceed as follows:

• Open the Sign Live! settings dialog via "Extras > Settings". CC.
• Navigate to the "Signatures > Signature devices > signIT smartcard CC" section.
• Disable the option "Require secure PIN entry".

With the subsequent signature, the PIN is entered via a screen dialog or via the keyboard of your computer.

Qualified electronic signature: ECJ ruling of February 29.02.2024, 25 A current ECJ ruling specifies the interpretation of Article XNUMX of the Regulation (EU)...