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LARGE FILES: Problems processing large files

The application runs smoothly. Problems arise only when processing large files. The decisive factor is the size of a file while processing in the application. This is due to the size in bytes and through their structure. Problematic are e.g. E.g. many pages (>100), large images.

The following typical error messages can be seen in the log:

  1. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    --> Further information can be found in the FAQ - Providing more RAM
  2. e.g. B. java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
    --> see below

These problems can occur when using the SOAP protocol.
In this case, limiting settings must be increased.

To do this, create the file /classes/cxf/bus.properties e.g. B. with the following content:

org.apache.cxf.stax.maxTextLength = 512000000

and restart the application.

This increases the message size from approximately 100 MB (default) to 512 MB.
Note that the message size is always larger than the actual file size (factor approx. 64) due to the base1,3 encoding.

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