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REINER SCT: cyberJack e-com plus is not recognized

REINER SCT has discontinued technical support for the REINER SCT e-com plus card reader. REINER SCT recommends switching to current card readers.

For a complete list of discontinued card readers, please visit the page of PURE SCT .

  • Obsolete card readers will be used for Sign Live! C.C.C no longer tested.
  • We pay in case of error no support for actions in Sign Live! C.C.C, which are carried out with obsolete card readers.
  • There is still the possibility that Sign Live! C.C.C is functional with individual combinations of signature cards and obsolete card readers.
    The following procedure led to success (no guarantee):
    1) Uninstall the current Reiner SCT driver (cyberJack Base Components).
    2) Install an older Reiner SCT driver. You can find the old cyberJack drivers tickets & info (6.10.8) or tickets & info (7.9.3)

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