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SIGN: Date in the signature field (date display)

PDF documents can be signed invisibly or visibly. In the case of the visible signature, the standard display is usually used, in which various data from the signature certificate are displayed in the defined signature field.
When displaying the signature individually, the signature date can be entered as a variable. The available alternatives are:

  • system.millis:d = full case (2021_04_14-09_12_52_610)
  • system.millis:ds = shorthand (14.04.21 09:12)
  • system.millis:dm = middle notation (14.04.21/09/12 06:XNUMX:XNUMX)
  • system.millis:df = long notation (Wednesday, April 14, 2021 09:12 CEST)
  • system.millis:dd = Date Only (Wednesday, April 14, 2021)
  • system.millis:dt = Time only (17:10 CET)
  • system.millis:dd(YYYY) = Java Format (2016)

Please note that this is the system time at the time the signature field representation is generated. This can deviate from the signature time (e.g. from a time stamp).

The procedure for the individual display of the signature can be found in the tutorial. You can find this and other helpful tutorials here  tickets & info.

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