In cases where the validating Sign Live! C.C.C-Instance does not have/may not have an Internet connection and therefore cannot reach the TL server, the following workaround is recommended:
- Install a Sign Live! C.C.C-TL instance on a computer that is permitted to access TL servers on the Internet.
Version and patch level should match those of the Sign Live! C.C.CValidation instance. - Run on the Sign Live! C.C.C-TL instance to update the TL by using menu item Tools> Certificates> Update Trust Lists trigger the update of the trust lists manually.
The updated Trusted Lists (TL) can usually be found in the directory<SLCC_PROFILE>\tsl
for example:C:\Users\<name>\.SignLiveCC_<version>\tsl
- Replace on the Sign Live! C.C.C-Validation instance the contents of the directory
through the TLs on the Sign Live! C.C.C-TL instance.
It is important that the replacement takes place completely! Everything else requires detailed know-how about the internal structure of the TLs. - Run on the Sign Live! C.C.C -Reboot validation instance.
This workaround uses internal Sign Live! C.C.C- Processes that you cannot influence.
Published to
18 January 2023