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VALIDATE: What do the terms “PARTIAL/FULL PDF” and “empty revisions” mean?

Signatures generated with intarsys products produce results in some validation tools that include the terms “PARTIAL/FULL PDF” or “Empty Revision”.

This is due to the fact that intarsys signature products integrate LTV* information into the PDF document as a new revision.
Many validation tools ignore this technical detail.

However, some validation tools alert the user to this fact by labeling the subject of the validation as PARTIAL PDF describe EU DSS demonstration WebApp or indicate that the document is a empty revision includes. These statements have no relevance to the validity of the verified signatures. The generated signatures are spec-compliant and even have to be generated that way if the LTV information is added after the signature.

*LTV – Long Term Validation
LTV information includes OCSP responses and/or revocation lists for the certificates required for an audit. This data makes it easier to check the signatures later and makes it possible for the check to be carried out even without a network connection.

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