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What is a Trust Service Provider (VDA)?

According to the eIDAS Regulation, Article 3 (16), a trust service is an electronic service that is usually provided for a fee and is responsible, among other things, for generating the seals, signatures and website certificates. A qualified trust service is a trust service that meets the relevant requirements of the eIDAS Regulation, Article 3 (17) and is checked every two years in a complex procedure by an accredited conformity assessment body and the result is communicated to the responsible supervisory authority (BNetzA or BSI). The status as a qualified trust service provider can be verified throughout Europe via a trust list and a seal of quality. The German trusted list is on the EU Trusted List Browser website  https://webgate.ec.europa.eu visible.

As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...