For configuring the font in Sign Live! cloud suite gears - for example of signature fields - you need to know the exact name of this font. This is not always the display name or file name. To determine the correct name, look into the most recent gears log file and look for the desired font. Here using Arial Bold as an example:
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [TrueType]Arial Negreta
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [TrueType-postscript]Arial-BoldMT
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [TrueType-canonical]Arial,Bold
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [Any]Arial Negreta
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [Any-postscript]Arial-BoldMT
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [Any-canonical]Arial,Bold
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.889][D][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] FontEnvironment loaded font 'Arial,Bold' from C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arialbd.ttf
Based on this example, the following “FontNames” can be used:
- Ariel Negreta
- Arial BoldMT
- Arial, Bold
Published to
August 21, 2022