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  • From this version onwards, the use of the D-TRUST 4.1 smart card and the D-TRUST 4.4. smart card is possible.
  • If you are using this version, please note that you must import Sign Live CC 7.1.6 – Hotfix Trusted List Update to update the trust lists.
    The trust lists cannot be updated without this hotfix, since the UK has its trusted list has closed. In Sign Live! CC version 7.1.7 Updating the trust lists runs smoothly.
  • There may be display problems when scrolling under MAC OS. By importing Sign Live! CC 7.1.6 – Hotfix fixed macOS rendering.
    In Sign Live! CC version 7.1.7 this display problem no longer exists.
Discontinued on 30.11.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX

As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...