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ivocoTec GmbH

ivocoPro is HR software in the field of temporary employment. The need for personnel can be communicated to all associated personnel service providers via a web account with just a few clicks, as in this clip briefly presented. Thanks to the integrated validation server from intarsys, assignments and personnel assignments are faster. The post for sending contracts can be saved and the documents can be checked for digital signatures in ivocoPro, recognized and securely stored.

In addition, ivocoPro is AÜG and DSGVO-compliant, transfers all employee data in a traceable manner and replaces uncontrolled profile forwarding and storage on different storage media or even in paper form. Personal data is processed in ivocoPro in accordance with the law and deleted in good time.

intarsys x A-Trust: The German provider of signature solutions, intarsys, and Austria's leading trust service provider, A-Trust, have entered into a strategic partnership...