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Signature creation

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Web-based signature creation solution


Sign as you wish!

with Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Sign as you wish!

with Sign Live! cloud suite gears

Sign Live! cloud suite gears




It works that easy:

Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a range of components and functions for creating signatures, seals and time stamps, which can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, Sign Live! cloud suite gears a On-Premises – Platform on the use of electronic trust services in accordance with eIDAS regulation period.

Specialist applications can use either advanced or qualified signatures, seals and time stamps via a uniform interface. It is irrelevant whether the required certificates are available locally at the user's workplace, centrally in the customer's data center or centrally from a trust service provider.

customer voice

“We can use Sign Live! both provide central investment guidelines and fund reports with a qualified electronic seal and also give more than one hundred employees the opportunity for a qualified electronic signature in the browser without additional hardware and software installations at the workplace. Multiple signatures under contracts or the signing of BaFin reports are also completely electronic and legally secure," says Dr. Christian Popp, (former) Member of the Management Board of Helaba Invest. "The decision to set up electronic signatures is currently proving its worth, because numerous employees are currently working from home due to the Corona crisis."

Application examples​

Sign Live! Nextcloud app


Sign Live! cloud suite bridge...

...allows access to local resources connected to the workplace, such as: Legs Smart Card, a local token, the Windows certificate store, or a signature pad.

To make this possible, a local process must be running at the workstation that is able to "bridge" requests from the browser to the local resource. This process is known as the "bridge agent" and by Sign Live! cloud suite bridge adopted.

Sign Live! cloud suite gears

A web-based solution for creating signatures

Learn more about Sign Live! cloud suite gears

FAQs about the Sign Live! cloud suite gears

c Expand all C Fold everything in

shows gears OutOfMemoryError Java heap space (… failed (OutOfMemoryError – Java heap space) , your Tomcat's JVM is running out of memory.
– Search for Xmx, the log entry then reads for example:
[15:04:24.563][I][.spPrintProperties][main ][] +- argument '-Xmx256m'

In the Tomcat console, increase at least to '-Xmx512m', if that is not enough, increase to '-Xmx1024m'.

The Tomcat standard configuration limits the maximum processing size of a POST request to 2 MB.

You can set this limit in <CATALINA>\conf\server.xml increase or cancel via the maxPostSize parameter (-1):

    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort=”8443″ />


The Sign Live! cloud suite gears viewer offers the ability to validate signatures. Current root certificates are required for the check, at least for the eIDAS-PKI Trust lists (Trusted List-TL).

Starting with version 8.10, Sign Live! cloud suite gears the ability to automatically update trust lists. Versions older than 8.10 must be migrated. For versions from 8.10 onwards, the necessary configuration may need to be added.

Please check your configuration and add if necessary
in ${cloudsuite.config.shared}\gears.properties
(under Windows normally: C:\ProgramData\cloudsuite\config\gears.properties)
the following lines and restart the application:

# Validation properties
# update trusted list every sunny day at midnight
trustedLists.update.cron=0 0 0 * * MON-SUN

Notes for more specific configuration.

Internet access is required to automatically update trusted lists.
If access is via a proxy, its data must be added to the Tomcat configuration. Information on this can be found in the gears manual chapter “Proxies – Outgoing”.

If the update is still not possible, please send a description of the error and the current log file an support@intarsys.de.

a in Sign Live! cloud suite gears Version 8.10.0 (or older) documents signed with sign-me are displayed correctly, but during validation the message appears in the “Validity” area

  • "The signature has been modified and is not valid. There are warnings."

Since July 2023, sign-me has been using the ECDSA signature algorithm to issue qualified EC certificates and to create signatures.

Signatures based on such a certificate and signed with Sign Live! cloud suite gears v8.10.0 or older are unfortunately permanently invalid.

As announced in our newsletters, it is therefore necessary to register on Sign Live! update cloud suite gears v8.10.1 or newer. This version has been available since March 2023.

For configuring the font in Sign Live! cloud suite gears - for example of signature fields - you need to know the exact name of this font. This is not always the display name or file name. To determine the correct name, look into the most recent gears log file and look for the desired font. Here using Arial Bold as an example:

[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [TrueType]Arial Negreta
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [TrueType-postscript]Arial-BoldMT
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [TrueType-canonical]Arial,Bold
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [Any]Arial Negreta
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [Any-postscript]Arial-BoldMT
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.888][T][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] font registry register C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/arialbd.ttf with [Any-canonical]Arial,Bold
[22.07.2021-08:48:23.889][D][de.intarsys.cwt.font][...] FontEnvironment loaded font 'Arial,Bold' from C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arialbd.ttf

Based on this example, the following “FontNames” can be used:

  • Ariel Negreta
  • Arial BoldMT
  • Arial, Bold

When opening the Sign Live! cloud suite bridge made of Sign Live! cloud suite gears a security question appears.

The message can be switched off for a specific protocol using a RegistryKey:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ ProtocolExecute \ csbridge]


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ ProtocolExecute \ csbridge]

For more information, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37702082/internet-explorer-or-edge-how-to-display-the-warning-that-appear-if-you-open-c?rq=1

This error appears z. B. when the "demo" profile has been deactivated.
In this case, the following entry in gears.properties is required:

spring.liquibase.enabled = false

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