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Signature creation

Sign Live! CC client comfort

Sign Live! CC client comfort

The workplace-based solution for
Signature creation

The workplace-based solution for
Signature creation


Create digital signatures directly at the workplace

with Sign Live! CC signature client convenience​

Creation of signature, seal and time stamp
Cryptographic Providers
Validation of signature, seal and timestamp
Services and Miscellaneous

Create digital signatures
- directly at the workplace

with Sign Live! CC signature client comfort

Creation of signature, seal and time stamp
Cryptographic Providers
Validation of signature, seal and timestamp
Services and Miscellaneous

Do you prefer individual processing or batch processing?

Product as single processing

Each signature creation requires a PIN entry

Then the following product is the right solution:

Go to Sign Live! CC client

Product as batch processing

for up to 25, 50, 100 or 1000 signatures with a PIN entry and checks

Then the following product is the right solution:

Go to Sign Live! CC client batch

It works that easy:

Application examples​

Sign Live! CC signature client comfort offers the possibility of combining comfort signature and workflow automation without major implementation effort for:

Sign Live! CC client comfort

The workplace-based solution for creating signatures

Learn more about Sign Live! client comfort

FAQs about the Sign Live! CC signature client

c Expand all C Fold everything in

The new BNotK Card will be in Sign Live! C.C.C supported from version 7.1.11.

In the future, the Federal Chamber of Notaries will issue its signature certificates via the remote signature service and no longer via a personal one Signature card provide.
Authentication for signature creation at the remote signature service is carried out using personal means Smart Card.

This requires a completely new approach to signature creation. This signature is not created using the signature device “signIT smartcard CC” but via “signIT BNotK”. When signing, please select the appropriate signature device in the signature assistant. If your signature certificate is not available, please contact the Federal Chamber of Notaries’ support.

If you use a Reiner SCT card reader with an RFID function, be sure to switch off the RFID function so that there are no problems reading the authentication certificate that is on your card.

If you Sign Live! C.C.C from a specialist application, please inquire with the manufacturer whether the new signature device has been connected.  

The presentation of the signature can be designed individually. The procedure is in the tutorial “Design signature field display” described which you here available for download. 
It is important to ensure that the last variable is in the window appearance contains a value. A newline as the last variable would lead to an error message (internal cryptographic library error).

For the qualified electronic signature you need in addition to the Software additionally a Signature card , and a Card reader.
You can obtain signature cards from trust service providers (VDA). The of Sign Live! C.C.C Supported signature cards and card readers can be found in our service description and system requirements.

Purchase the signature application software here Sign Live! C.C.C for different operating systems.

It should be possible to check whether a signature is valid, i.e. valid, even after many years. In order to be able to check a signature again, several pieces of information must be available:

  • Was the end user certificate used valid at the time it was used?
  • Was the issuing CA (Certificate Authority) of this certificate trustworthy and the root certificate valid at the time the end user certificate was created?
  • What was the quality level of the certificate used? Basic, advanced or qualified?

To confidently answer these questions, a validation application such as Sign Live! several exams. An important aspect of this check are revocation checks using OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol), ie queries to the trust service provider (VDA) that issued the end user certificate used. In order for these OCSP queries to be carried out, this service must be made available online by the VDA (directory service). The replies from the VDA are in turn signed by the latter so that the trustworthiness can be checked and thus ensured. This is then done in turn with the inclusion of OCSP queries. International standards (ETSI) regulate how this is to be done in full. At the end of these queries, the validation application can then provide a trustworthy status of the end user certificate used.

But what if the necessary directory service is temporarily or permanently unavailable? A temporary disruption can occur if the required directory service is simply not available online. Or what if this was switched off by the VDA being discontinued? The central deletion of information after the retention periods have expired also represents a cut. The end user certificate used cannot be checked in such cases and therefore the complete signature check does not lead to a clear result.

LTV signatures are different. With this type of signature, all required information is embedded in the signature, again according to international standards (ETSI). In the case of PDF documents and signatures, this is technically regulated, for example, by the PAdES standard (ETSI EN 319 142) in the context of the PAdES-B-LT profile.

The necessary information can be embedded both during signature creation and later during validation. However, it is rare for the validation information to be embedded during signature creation, as this would slow down the entire process. In addition to the time required to create the signature, the time for validation would also be added. It is therefore a good idea to enrich the LTV data during validation before archiving. From this point on, the signature is always checked offline and takes place without access to the directory service. A test is therefore independent of the availability of this service, regardless of the reason why it is not available.

Does the LTV signature do even more?

How the validity of certificates is checked is based on different models (chain, shell or modified shell model). These different models also make sense for the different uses of certificates. The validity of an SSL certificate should be checked differently in the browser than a certificate that was used to sign documents that have to be verifiable for decades.

Let's take Adobe Reader as an example. Adobe Reader will no longer classify a signature as trustworthy after the end user certificate used has expired, even if the signature was made during the validity period.

This behavior can be avoided by the LTV signature if the LTV signature is done before the expiration date. With the timely LTV signature, the Adobe Reader tick stays green and the signature continues to be positively checked - permanently. This is an important step on the way to greater user acceptance of the signature. 

How to create an LTV signature with Sign Live! CC generated?

Are intarsys products affected by the security vulnerability?

The BSI has the following security warning published.
The actual problem is explained in a PDF, which is continuously updated on the BSI website.

intarsys products are not affected by the security problem!

You can find the following intarsys products in the supported versions continue to operate without changes:

  • Sign Live! C.C.C
  • Sign Live! CC DATEV edition
  • Sign Live! CC SPARKASSEN edition
  • Sign Live! cloud suite bridge
  • Sign Live! cloud suite gears
  • Sign Live! cloud suite SDK

The Java library that is causing the problem is in these products not .

This also applies to the Archisoft product from FHI-SIT in versions and, which is sold by intarsys.

Product-specific explanations

  • In Sign Live! cloud suite gears Third-party products used up to version 8.7 are based on the critical Log4j version 2.14, but in the context of gears the dangerous library log4j-core-*.jar neither delivered nor used. There is therefore no potential risk.
  • With Sign Live! C.C.C delivered Exampleimplementations (SDK / JMS) use Log4j version 1.x. These are only activated by calling the command line on the system and are also required a special Log4j configuration. They are therefore not viewed as a potential hazard.

Further safety information on the required basic components

tom cat 9 does not use Log4j in its basic configuration without standard and other web apps.

General safety information on the required basic components

Use the JVM in the required version (Java 11, SLcs gears: Java 8) at the most current patch level possible.
The Sign Live! CC / PDF / A Live! integrated JVM fulfills this (Java 11).
For Sign Live! cloud suite gears should be at least Azul JDK 8u312 + .

Further background information

If you want to sign from GVS a BNotK card for remote signature, it is necessary that you set this up accordingly in GVS.
You can see an example of the settings .

Also, please make sure that Sign Live! C.C.C is entered as the software to be used.

If you use software from Baqué & Lauter GmbH as a bailiff and with Sign Live! C.C.C want to sign must in Sign Live! C.C.C a certain “Service" to be set up.

If during the installation of the bailiff software the software Sign Live! C.C.C was already installed, this service should have been set up automatically. Otherwise, this can also be done manually. You will find the corresponding instructions .

Even documents that are larger than DIN A4 can be signed with Sign Live! CC. If a visible signature (extended display) is used for this, it can happen that Sign Live! CC loses focus on the document and the signature field “jumps” to another position.

This can be fixed by allocating more memory to Sign Live! CC. Instructions can be found in the relevant FAQ here.

When opening very large files, the Sign Live! C.C.C available memory is not sufficient (error message: … “Java heap space”).

The first, optional measure is to Trusted Mode to deactivate. When activated Trusted Mode The application keeps the file to be signed completely in memory during processing to prevent tampering. In a secure environment, this procedure can be omitted.

To disable the Trusted Mode:

  1. Open the settings via the menu option Tools>Settings>Security>Trusted Mode
  2. Uncheck the “Ensure document integrity” checkbox
  3. Restart the application.

If this measure does not work, you must provide the application with more memory. The log provides information about the maximum amount of memory Java is currently requesting from the operating system, in the following case, for example, approximately 512 MB:

[2019.11.20-09:29:57.818][I][d.i.tools.logging][executor singleton][] maxmemory=477626368

First, check that the operating system can actually provide that much memory for Java. Operating system and other applications also require memory!

If there is enough memory available and it is not enough for the documents to be processed, please increase the memory requested by Java gradually: 1 GB, 2 GB, ... .

So put in Sign Live! C.C.C more memory available:

  1. Copy the file
    <INSTALLATION DIRECTORY> \ demo \ vmoptions \ more memory \* .vmoptions1 afterINSTALLATION DIRECTORY>\bin\* .vmoptions1
    The copied file refers to the .exe which is used for GUI operation.
  2. Important!
    If you are Sign Live! C.C.C as a service, an additional copy of the .vmoptions file must be created to match the name of the service.exe:
    Windows: SignLiveCC_service.exe.vmoptions
    Linux: signLivecc.service.vmoptions
  3. Starten Sie Sign Live! C.C.C New.
  4. If the RAM is still not sufficient, the value in the vmoptions file(s) can be edited with an editor and the value increased, for example, to -Xmx2048m for 2 GB. The maximum value depends on how much RAM is available on your computer.

1) The name of the vmoptions file depends on the operating system used.

Sign Live! CC starts with the language settings of the operating system.

To get the operating language of Sign Live! CC To manipulate it, you need administrator rights.
Follow these steps:

  1. Quit Sign Live! CC.
  2. Use Windows Explorer to switch to the installation directory for Sign Live! CC. This is in most cases "C:\Programme\Sign Live CC <version>" oder "C:\Programme (x86)\Sign Live CC <version>".
  3. Navigate further into the subdirectory “demo\vmoptions\language english”.
  4. From this directory, copy the file “SignLiveCC.exe.vmoptions”.
  5. Change to the “bin” subdirectory of the installation directory of Sign Live! CC and place the file “SignLiveCC.exe.vmoptions” there.
  6. Starten Sie Sign Live! CC new so that the language settings are loaded.

By doing this, the entire user interface of Sign Live! CC presented in English.

To reset to German language, delete the file “SignLiveCC.exe.vmoptions” from the bin directory and start Sign Live! C.C.C New.

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