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Qualified electronic signing in SAP processes

Fund management with digital signature - Helaba Invest relies on intarsys

SEAL Systems AG and intarsys AG work out a new solution that includes a qualified electronic signature in SAP-Business processes enabled

(Röttenbach, April 01.04.20st, XNUMX) Whether a document has to be provided with a personal signature - manually or electronically - is basically regulated by law. In addition, there are also other regulations from authorities, organizations and interest groups that make a personal signature mandatory so that a document is recognized for a specific use.

Just like the manual signature of a natural person, the qualified electronic signature (QUESTIONS) must be permanently linked to the document. This is done at SEAL Systems and intarsys via Sign Live! cloud suite gears.

Qualified signatures after eIDAS regulation

Sign Live! cloud suite gears offers a set of components and functions to create signatures, seals and timestamps that can be embedded in web applications or web service environments. On this basis, the solution provides an on-premises platform for the application of electronic trust services eIDAS regulation period.

Specialized applications can then use either advanced or qualified signatures, seals and time stamps via a uniform interface. It is irrelevant whether the required certificates are available locally at the user's workstation, centrally in the customer's computer center or from a trust service provider. Certificates from the trust service providers Bundesdruckerei / D-Trust, Deutsche Telekom can be used for this AG, Swisscom and many more. The respective correct trust service can thus comfortably be found in the SAP realized business process can be used.

Integration of QUESTIONS in SAPProcesses SEAL Systems

SEAL Systems, software developer for highly integrated document processes in SAP, has created a solution in cooperation with intarsys, with the various SAPProcesses signed electronically, but an explicit declaration of intent can also be integrated in writing.

From SAPData and forms can, in preprocessing steps, be a signable PDF-Document can be generated, which is archived together with a digital signature. Typical use cases are the signing of invoices, deliveries, validation documents, contracts as well as system or component certificates.

If the signature process requires interaction with the user, this can be done, for example, in SAP-GUI be integrated. Complex installations at the workplace are therefore not necessary and the solution can therefore also be used on mobile devices.

Learn more at https://www.intarsys.de/produkte/sign-live-cloud-suite-gears.

About intarsys AG

As a software manufacturer, intarsys AG high quality and technologically leading software products and components for generating and checking electronic signatures, seals and time stamps, for checking and converting documents in PDF/A as well as for evidence long-term archiving of digital documents.

intarsys counts almost all trust service providers in the German-speaking area among its customers. In addition, medium-sized and large companies from a wide variety of industries such as Lufthansa Technik, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Post, Bechtle, DATEV, Axians, Interhyp and partners such as d.velop and SEAL Systems has been part of the Karlsruhe software house for years.

The intarsys software can be used on all common operating systems as a client, server, terminal server or on the web. Intarsys thus enables its customers to use the signature on mobile devices to sign documents with the highest evidential value.

SEAL Systems AG

SEAL Systems is a leading international provider of output management and conversion solutions.

With the products from SEAL Systems makes the creation, management and distribution of documents and technical records easier, safer and more efficient. Founded SEAL Systems in 1981, the group now has 124 employees worldwide. In the 2019 financial year, sales of 15,4 million euros were achieved.

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