The PIN change mechanism from Sign Live! CC by default only allows numbers to be entered. The certificates of all German trust centers are designed in such a way that the personal PIN – to create a qualified electronic signature – must consist of numbers. The card readers certified by the BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) are also designed for entering numbers.
In contrast to German signature cards, signature cards from Switzerland allow an alphanumeric PIN. Because these PINs not suitable for creating qualified signatures according to SigG are, the use of alphanumeric PINs from Sign Live! C.C.C not offered. Would you still like to Sign Live! C.C.C to initialize (create individual PINs) Swiss signature cards, please proceed as follows:
- Turn the secure PIN entry. (Menu “Tools > Settings > Signatures > Signature devices > signIT smartcard”).
- Launch Sign Live! CC and select the menu item “Tools > Smartcard Tools > PIN Management”.
- Select the certificate you want and click on "Initialize".
- After reading the instructions in the next window, click “Finish”.
- In the next window click on the switch “Input via keyboard”.
- Open any text editor and enter the desired PIN.
- Highlight the entered PIN and copy it with the key combination CTRL+C.
- Go to Sign Live! CC and paste the new PIN into the “new PIN” and “repeat new PIN” fields using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V.
- Confirm your entry by clicking the “Finish” button.
Please note:
- That this only applies to signature cards from Switzerland, since German signature cards only allow numbers.
- Before you use alphanumeric PINs, you should consider that the creation of qualified signatures according to German SigG is not possible with alphanumeric PINs.