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Swisscom AIS

Problems with the AIS signature service are often due to the following:

  1. Basic service problems
    In this case, please check the Swisscom AIS status pagewhether such a problem exists.
    There you will also find the link to Swisscom support.
  2. TLS certificate has expired
    A supports you in creating a TLS certificate Tutorial
  3. Problems with incorrect, expired, no longer valid registration data
    In this case, please first check whether you can generally sign:
    - via SMS
    - via MobileID
    Very often, access problems are related to differences in the identification data collected and the one you provided.
    You cannot check these differences! Only Swisscom has access to the recorded identification data.
    In this case, you must contact Swisscom directly:

Direct access to Swisscom support:

  • Website: Swisscom support
  • Email: ent.incident-data@swisscom.com
  • Telephone: +41 (0) 800 724 724, menu selection “Data Services”, keyword “All-in Signing Service”
  • Have your PRO number (PRO-00xx) ready. You can find it on the cover sheet of your service contract.
    This speeds up processing considerably. 

The following circumstances cause the deactivation of the identification data and make a new identification necessary:

  1. Identity document has expired.
  2. Change of mobile number.
  3. Change of authorization from SMS-TAN to Mobile ID app.
    (for non-Swiss customers: the Mobile ID app MUST be activated before identification)

More information about the AIS service:

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