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NOTE for MAC users:
This version is not released for macOS Monterey


Should you Sign Live! C.C.C version 7.1.x installed, version 7.1.8 can be installed in the same directory. The licenses are automatically adopted.

When updating from version 7.0.x to version 7.1.8, the Installation in a new directory take place. The licenses must then be imported again. If you need support for installation or migration, please get an offer by email sales@intarsys.de .

In case you Sign Live! C.C.C within or in combination with another partner software use, talk about installing the new version please beforehand with the manufacturer of this application. If the manufacturer has the current version 7.1.8 of Sign Live! C.C.C not yet support, otherwise you may no longer be able to use the partner's application.

Discontinued on 30.11.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX

As the first long-term storage solution available on the market, the proNEXT Archive Manager from the procilon GROUP has received the TR-ESOR certificate from the BSI according to the new version...