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Use of fonts in intarsys products

A font copied into the fonts directory is not displayed in an intarsys product and cannot be used. What should I do?

Our products read the fonts from the standard directory. On Windows this is C: \ Windows \ Fonts. In the user view, not only the fonts from this directory are displayed, but also the fonts from the user directory. This can only be seen when the properties of a font are displayed.

Copied If you put a font in the directory C: \ Windows \ Fonts, it will be displayed there, but is de facto in the user directory. Our software does not access the user directory by default, so the font is not available even though you see it in the supposedly correct place.


  • Install the font instead of copying it. Use this to do this context menu (right mouse button) and choose "Install for everyone". This will put the font in the correct directory.

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